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October 17, 2017  -  User Tip - Differences Between the 'Regular' and Audiophile Version... #TipTuesday

Long time program user and forum member Matt Finley had shared his tip regarding the Audiophile version of Band-in-a-Box earlier this year, and it's still valid today!

If you've ever wondered what the difference between the 'regular version' of Band-in-a-Box and the Audiophile version, make sure you read through his forum post: Tip: differences between the 'regular' and audiophile version - it's well written, and always great to hear about the program from fellow users!

The Audiophile Version includes the entire contents of the EverythingPAK and adds the uncompressed WAV or AIFF files for all the included RealTracks & RealDrums! Learn more about the Audiophile version:

Posted on October 17, 2017 11:43 AM

Entries from October 2017:

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