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April 21, 2020  -  User Showcase Song - Think Positive

During these trying times you love playing your air guitar. That brings you much joy, as you can't go out for your entertainment, you can only go out for necessities. You heart is beating steadily as you jam away but then you start thinking about getting back to work or how can I pay my bills, etc. All of these things swirl in your head. It is a constant battle between being happy or worrying. Just think positive and all will be OK.

BiaB Style - 80's Even 8ths Rock - I modified this style to better fit the song.
Deleted the rhythm guitar and bass.
Strings = UVI B5 Hammond organ
Guitar - Sonivox Taylor acoustic
Drums - SSD5 - Rock Kit - Solid Rock

I am playing the rhythm guitar, lead guitar and the fretless bass. I am also playing the synth via my MIDI keyboard controller.
All guitars when through Amplitube 4, the bass through SVX preset Comp Rock and both guitars through Fender 59 Crunch.
The synth was SynthMaster preset The Racer AZ

Posted on April 21, 2020 09:29 AM

Entries from April 2020:

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