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May 11, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - Stranger In A Strange Land

Just finished a new one and had the opportunity to employ Ken (klasaine) again to make the song come to life.
Stranger In A Strange Land:

Song about change...."Aging eyes find it hard to embrace it".
I'm really out of my comfort zone on this one.
Sort of a smooth jazz vibe requiring an almost micro-crooning vocal....which is not my strong point. smile (which I'm still trying to figure out)
I have to work with what I have.

"_ELPJZHS.STY Horn Sec.Funk 2Part wband[110RS]
This 2-piece Horn section RealTrack features the Tenor and Alto Sax playing in perfect harmony together. Other RealTracks in this style include El.Guitar Pop16th, ElPiano, El.Bass and RealDrums."
I used bass/drums/sax from the 'funk' styles.

Posted on May 11, 2021 08:53 AM

Entries from May 2021:

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