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July 28, 2021  -  User Showcase Song - March of the Warlock King

March of the Warlock King

Sire, our kingdom is in great danger. The Gweiste kingdom was overthrown by a warlock and now that warlock king along with his wizards, witches that scream in very high pitches, and his army of the dead are marching. We must prepare for war!

Many of my forum friends may not like this one. It is a dark song.

But I think it does show what a little imagination, some decent MIDI sound sources, and BiaB can produce.

BiaB style - Very Slow Trance - Like N
PBM = 65
I deleted the drum track.
Bass - Kontakt - preset - RA Metawave
Piano - Kontakt - preset - Fility - Cruel
Guitar - Kontakt - preset - Analog at Heart
Strings - Kontakt - preset - Aquiver - Digital Winds

I am playing the drums, horns, cymbals,and leads via my keyboard controller.
Drums - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter - Virtuoso - Killer Kettles
French horns, Trombones, Trumpets - Kontakt - Kirt Hunter - Virtuoso
Cymbals - Kontakt - Amadeus
Lead 1 - Synthmaster - preset Vangellis synth horns
Lead 2 - Kontakt - preset Julian Sounds Lost Lore

Posted on July 28, 2021 07:17 AM

Entries from July 2021:

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