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August 09, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - An American Tourist in Heidelberg

This is me having a bit of fun.

An American Tourist in Heidelberg (Wo Ist Die Toilette?)

It's my first song in German (not much of it). Please pardon my juvenile sense of humor. You could say this is slightly autobiographical. Years back, I was sitting with a friend drinking a beer outdoors in Heidelberg when I was suddenly afflicted with intense intestinal distress. After some searching, I was able to find the WC, without any disastrous consequences---although it was close. This song will get you up and dancing, maybe even dancing the green apple quick-step.

The choir part at the bridge is me triple tracking all four parts of the harmony--no plugins are harmonizers were used. It isn't perfect, but it has a full sound.

The Wrecking Crew
RT3710 Guitar, Acoustic, Rhythm 90sJamRockFunky
RT3337 Piano, Electric, Rhythm FunkJeff
RT2622 Organ, Rhythm FunkSwing
RT2157 Piano, ElectricVintage, Rhythm FunkyGroove60sJohn
RT2619 Organ, Rhythm Funk
Drums on Demand/Underground/Gap Tooth Woman
Native Instruments Prime Bass
The guitars panned wide on the left and right are NI Electric Vintage and NI Electric Mint respectively.

Posted on August 9, 2023 02:50 PM

Entries from August 2023:

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