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August 10, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - LIVING IN THE MOMENT

My writing partner Ron Helm and I have taken a short break, so in the meantime I decided to go back and re-do one from a few years ago I co-wrote with my daughter. I originally stated in this post that the bass RealTrack I was using was not satisfactory for this song because it was playing notes that didn't fit. I have now replaced that RealTrack with my own playing for better or worse but at least the bass seems to fit the song a little better. I hope somebody enjoys the tune!


Drums-Rock Texas
Guitar-635 Roots Rock Dirty
Guitar-638 Roots Rock Tremolo
Guitar-3399 Acoustic Folk Rock Sync
Organ-671 Background Southern
Accordion-1752 Pop 8th's

Guitar-Fender Telecaster Solo and fills

Living In The Moment
Words and music by
Torrey Bliss and Courtney Williams

Posted on August 10, 2023 02:26 PM

Entries from August 2023:

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