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August 24, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - At Home

This song began as a musical version of a poem I wrote, with only vocals and piano.

Beautiful in its simplicity. Pure!

At Home

Then I added a guitar, a second singer and some more guitars, and from there on everything got a little out of control.
The result is something that is almost, but not quite, entirely unlike Nu-Metal.

I have never written rap lyrics before, so I would be very grateful if some of you old rappers (Velociraptors smile )
could give feedback on this, because as always I have no idea what I'm doing.

While my last song was a bit over-specific and detailed ("burn your house and wreck you car"), this song is just the opposite:
I wanted to create a mood and/or a feeling and let the listener decide what I'm talking about.
I don't know if that works, but I hope you'll tell me if it's good or, as they say, "the world isn't ready for your music yet" :-)
I can live with either.

The lyrical idea is inspired by Phil Colins, melody and chords by Ludwig B.
You'll find out what that means...

Some background information that no one asked for:
it's not as easy as i thought to write rap lyrics ... at least if you are as crazy as me to write in a foreign language!
Too many words per second.
I almost gave up on the song because it just wouldn't work.
I found that Ludwig had written his Sonata No. 14 too slow, and after I added just 4 BPM, all my problems were solved. Blame him!
If you know of any good, simple powerchord RTs, I'd appreciate it if you could tell me which ones are usable.
I didn't find what I needed, so I had to play them myself, something I usually try to avoid.

A BIG "thank you" (again) to Marty for linguistic advice and being just a great guy to talk to.

Some technical information:

The band:
Drums: PraiseWorshipUptempo16 + SkaSlow70sWesPerc
Bass: 4363 (re-amped)
Guitars: (some re-amped)
2x 3931
Bosendorfer 290 Piano, synths and some guitar work (EBow and powerchords + lead in the chorus) by yours truly.

Vocals: Solaria ft. Ritchy, BG vocals from Eleanor and Cong.


Posted on August 24, 2023 01:51 PM

Entries from August 2023:

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