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November 02, 2023  -  User Showcase Song - A Love Remembered

A love remembered! Was it the one that got away? Or the one you had to push away? Was it the one you were glad to get away from as they turned out to be a nut case? Maybe the one that passed away? You chose which one this song reminds you of if in fact it reminds you of anybody.

A Love Remembered

BiaB Style = Untended MIDI New Age Rock
Tempo = 80 PBM

I deleted the guitar and bass
Piano = ToonTrack-EXKeys2 - Dream Machine - preset - Vibra Vibes
Strings - Kontakt - CL Projects - Bronze Pads - preset - Farside of the Moon
Utility track - Syntronik 2 - preset - A Blowing Glass

I am playing my fretless bass, my Kramer Strat guitar, and via my wind controller the Swam Tenor Sax.

As always all comments are welcomed.

Posted on November 2, 2023 12:59 PM

Entries from November 2023:

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