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March 22, 2019  -  Learn More About the Redesigned Band-in-a-Box® SongPicker!

Wow - how much do you LOVE the redesigned SongPicker in Band-in-a-Box® 2019?!

The SongPicker within Band-in-a-Box® accesses the folder of your choosing for easy opening of all your favorite songs, or song files purchased from a third party or shared by a friend, member of your band, etc.

Now, with this redesigned feature, you can view the chord progression for your selected song without having to open it in Band-in-a-Box® and can copy the information from this window right into a TXT file!

The new progress bar is a great visual aid when you're updating the folder - for instance, if you load the ENTIRE Band-in-a-Box® folder, that's over 15,000 songs - and it's nice to see the progress/confirmation on screen. Not that you'll be waiting long - since the SongPicker now builds lists faster!

Plus, there's so many filters added - searching for the song you want has never been easier!

Click here for a detailed write up on this redesigned feature, or watch the Video - SongPicker Overview.

Posted on March 22, 2019 11:40 AM

Entries from March 2019:

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