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March 26, 2024  -  User Showcase Song - Green Is So Much Greener Without You

Two-minute-something of unsophisticated cliché pop banality. Just what the doctor ordered. Short, so you don't have to suffer for too long.

Green Is So Much Greener Without Blue

I don't know why many of my love songs are about ended and/or failed relationships. I'm still happily married. I'm probably the dark side of Marty. The Anti-Marty...

The usual answers to all unasked questions:
-My Chief Director of Linguistic Dadaism suggested to summarize the title with "Yellow" and call it a day.
-Don't ask. I myself have no idea why I came up with that intro.
-Probably unconscious springtime fever or something.
-Yes, with that voice you could probably write for a p*rn movie.
-No, I won't!
-The first version had more than twice as many lyrics. With every word removed, the song got better.
So far I've only had this effect with guitars. I guess the best song I'll ever write will be an instrumental without guitars.

Feedback (the good, the bad and the ugly) as always highly appreciated.

As always, a BIG "thank you" to Marty for linguistic advice.

Some technical information:

The band:
Bass: 1522
Drums: PopRock8ths
Guitars: 4157, 4387, 4388, 3931
Synthesizers: me, myself and I

Vocals: Natalie + BG vocals Cong

You can find the lyrics in the next post.

Posted on March 26, 2024 07:58 AM

Entries from March 2024:

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